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Lutheran Mission Association
Dondon Proposal |
The Building Proposal from Dondon, Haiti This letter outlining the building project proposal from the congregation at Dondon was received and reviewed at the October 2, 2010 meeting of LMA. The dedication of this congregation to their building project (even to the extent noted in Pastor Bernard's "P.S." to this proposal) completely impresses us. We pray that the Lord will provide the financial assistance that is needed for the building materials for this project; and if He so moves you to help, please send us an e-mail or call Lori (218-935-9016) or Lil (218-333-1560). (The letter below is reprinted as submitted.) The Estimation For The Rest Of The Construction At Dondon, Not Including The Plastering: Roof: 1. 200 Metal Sheet @ $90 Ht = 18,000 2. 1 case of nails @ $600 Ht = 600 3. 400 concrete blocs for the windows @ 5 = 2000 Total---------------------------------------$20,600 Ht or $2,746 US Floor: 1. 120 bags of cememt @ $70 Ht = 8,400 2. 25 loads of dirts @ $300 Ht = 7,500 3. 8 loads of sands @ $700 Ht = 5,600 4. 5 loads of gravels @ $900 Ht = 4,500 5. 90 ribars [rebars] 1/4 @ $25 Ht = 2,250 6. Transportation = 1,000 7. Workers = 6,000 Total---------------------------------------$35,250 Ht or $4,700 US In total we need:------------------------$55,850 Ht or $7,447 US With this amount we would be able to complete the whole works: Roofs, floor and windows but this not including the plastering. Now the members of the Congregation at Dondon are using the new unfinish building. In case of big rain they would in trouble, if new building could be ready for the new school year it would be great. Note that the new school will start by October 4. The members of the Dondon Church are expressing their happiness as they are using their new building. They are so thankful to the LMA Board and to each donor for their support and their great concern. They continue to keep you all in their fervent prayers so that the Lord continue to water you with His everlasting blessings. In His name, Rev. Eliona Bernard! Note: Members of the Congregation will provide water, they will carry it from the river to the site. They will provide food for the workers during the days they will work for no wages. Lutheran Mission Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. email: webservant@lmamnn.org Contents of this website are (c) 2010 Lutheran Mission Association or used by permission as noted. |