Shipping Container

It's been a while...

It's been a while since LMA has sent a shipping container to Haiti. The Shipping Container was one of our most popular projects, generating participation from congregations and individuals in the region. While the container project seems worthwhile to continue (see below), there are several financial challenges to overcome in order to make this a cost-effective means of sending support to Haiti.

Why do we send shipping containers to Haiti?

According to"Haiti remains the poorest country in the Americas and one of the poorest in the world (with a GDP per capita of US$ 820 in 2013) with significant needs in basic services."

Most families do not have a steady source of income and cannot afford basic hygiene items, clothing or food.

Does it cost a lot to send a container?

Yes! It costs around seven or eight thousand dollars (USD) for a forty foot container, plus approximately four thousand dollars in customs.

Who does it help?

It helps the schools with supplies of clothing, shoes, school kits, chairs, desks, school boards and other materials.

It helps keep the clinic stocked with essential supplies.

It helps needy families and those displaced by providing clothing and shoes, food and utensils.

It helps the churches as we send materials that help spread the Gospel.

It helps the ELCH North District as it builds infrastructure for self-sufficiency.

Lutheran Mission Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Donations may be made online through PayPal, or checks (made payable to Lutheran Mission Association) may be sent to: Mrs. Lil Spilde, Treasurer; 24815 463rd Ave; Colton, SD 57018.

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