Self-Sufficiency Projects
Equipping our partners with the tools to help support themselves into the future

Conventional wisdom grants that giving a man a fish will feed him for a day, but teaching a man to fish will feed him for a lifetime. LMA has focused on the twin tasks of both 'giving fish' (to meet immediate needs) and 'teaching fishing' (to move the North District congregations and schools toward a self-sustaining future.)

The Lutheran Farm

LMA purchased a parcel of land (about 4 acres), on which we established a farm for raising boiler chickens, and later added an egg production endeavor. The boilers are raised and eventually sold live on the street by vendors. The ELCH North District makes about $800 every time a batch is sold, and with overlapping batches, one is sold about every 4 weeks. Eggs are sold on a regular basis. Also, many fruit and nut trees were planted on that land.

The Goat Project

Seventeen goats were purchased for the Church at St. Raphael, and kids were distributed to families in that congregation. In addition, the church owns a number of goats they can use to garner income for the operation of their church and school.

Other Ideas

Many ideas have come up for future self-sufficiency projects, but no more have been started at this point in time.

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Donations may be made online through PayPal, or checks (made payable to Lutheran Mission Association) may be sent to: Mrs. Karen Lueth, Financial Secretary, 33879 Co 4, Park Rapids, MN 56470 .

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